Arm lift

An arm lift consists in modeling the shape of the arms, making them look proportional by liposuction and removal of excess skin, if necessary.

Arm lift surgery is intended for people who experience a loss of firmness in that area, usually associated with a rapid and major weight loss. The procedure is also carried out for overweight people whose fat distribution around the arms is unfavorable, giving the impression of a sagging fold.

Preparation for surgery

Two weeks before the surgery, it is advisable not to take aspirin and other drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid or its derivatives (e.g. metamizole, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac etc.), only paracetamol is allowed. To reduce bruising, we recommend taking Rutinoscorbin (ascorbic acid+rutoside) for 3 weeks before surgery (2 pills 3 times a day). Smoking is inadvisable. Makeup, contact lenses and nail polish must be removed before surgery. The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia.

Effects of the surgery

The effects of an arm lift/brachioplasty include a reduction of excess skin, improvement of firmness and smoothness of the skin. This is especially noticeable for patients with loose, sagging arm skin. An additional result of the surgery is an increase of the patient’s self-esteem and joy from the lack of restrictions in the selection of clothes.

The effects of an arm lift are satisfactory and long-lasting, but in order to preserve them, a constant body weight should be maintained.

See also:

Female breast reduction
Birthmark and scar removal
Birthmark and scar removal



71 772 42 70
665 033 582
601 345 185

Mon. – Fri.

Legnicka 56,
54-204 Wroclaw

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Welcome to Noa Clinic. We have prepared a wide and comprehensive range of surgical procedures just for you. The treatments are done under the guidance of a qualified team of specialists and using the latest generation equipment.

We offer two fully equipped operating rooms. We also have four comfortable and air-conditioned rooms, in which the patients can relax both before and after the procedure. We provide our patients with professional care throughout the recovery period.